Thinking about selling your Boston condo? Attend our informative Home Seller Class

Written by Michael DiMella | Jan 21, 2013 5:00:00 AM

Maybe you bought your condo in Boston a few years ago. Perhaps the space is starting to feel a little cramped. You’re thinking maybe now is the time to lock in a historically low interest rate for a that larger, long term condo or (god forbid!) move to a house in the ‘burbs.

So you’ve been reading the news and seeing reports about Boston real estate market prices being up 7% in the past year. You’ve heard about all the multiple offers. You’re wondering how much your condo is worth and whether or not it is the right time to sell.

And if you decide to sell, you’ve never sold a home before, so how would you even go about doing it?

Here are all your answers.

We’re hosting a Boston condo SELLER course to help you make the right decision and learn how to sell.

Boston Home Seller Class

With the shifting dynamics of the Boston real estate market and the new ways buyers search for and buy homes, you can no longer rely on the “same old” methods to get your condo sold. At least not if you want to get top value. By properly marketing a home, sellers now have the opportunity to take advantage of the current market and maximize the sale price of their home. But there are a several key steps in the home marketing & selling process to learn to do just that. Get educated in a casual, fun setting and avoid the pitfalls that can cause financial and emotional problems during the selling process.

Attend our Boston home selling class to learn:

  • Understanding the Boston real estate market: Price trends, inventory, seasonality, neighborhood micro-locality
  • How to effectively market your home in 2013
  • Pricing strategies: maximizing your sale price while minimizing time on market
  • Is staging your home really necessary? (and how much does it cost?)
  • Determining the best timing to sell your home
  • Creating leverage to negotiate offers and counter offers
  • How to select the right agent to market your home
  • 5 Key (and inexpensive) cosmetic touch ups to make your home “pop!”

Is this class for you?  Well, if you’re looking for a fun, low key, and informal way to learn the Boston real estate market and selling process, then YES!  You’ll have a chance to ask any questions you want and get straight answers from us. Plus we’ll have free food and drinks!  How can you pass that up!

See upcoming class schedule and register now.