6 Summer Home Maintenance Tips

Written by Michael DiMella | Jul 4, 2014 4:00:00 AM

{This is a guest post}.

One thing most people seem to forget is that condos and homes need regular maintenance no matter what the case is, which is why its quite essential to get an Fall arrest systems placed on roofs. If you own a condo, then you will need to allow management or the trustees to take care of its troubleshooting, as they will take care of it with greater efficiency. The following tips will provide you with a bit more information on what you need to do to make things happen, so you can avoid major expenses and unnecessary work:

  • A lot of people use the weekend of the 4th of July to jumpstart their summer maintenance needs. There are a few things you need to do before the end of that time, so you will need a good plan to prioritize the projects saved for summer and to line up contractors for the jobs that need doing. There is a fairly limited window of opportunity between summer and the first bad weather days of fall, so you need to make sure you take advantage of that time.
  • Rains leave the earth moist and this creates serious problems with foundation. Unpacked earth and mulch around foundations will often create a serious problem if the water is not allowed to flow freely away from them. If the foundations get soaked, then the water may easily trickle through right into the basement itself. You must check the mulch and earth around the perimeter of your foundations to ensure they have no contact with wood and that the water flows away from it during rains.
  • If you have heavy rainfalls, then you must go outside and make sure you have your gutters clean and not overflowing with water. The rain must pass unobstructed along the gutters and downspout extensions and they should extend at a minimum of three feet away from the foundations if you want them to work well enough.
  • You will need to pay special attention to all the best ceiling fans blades, cleaning them and oiling their motors if they are in need of such maintenance.
  • If the property possesses a sump pump, you will need to maintain it as well, making sure it has a backup battery and that it still works. If you are looking to install a sump pump check out these sump pump reviews 2019 with comparison chart. Water will need to be discharged at a minimum of five feet away from the foundations. You must check the discharge hose as well for any possible leaks.
  • You also need to make sure you have a perfectly clean bathroom, dryer vents and kitchen from the rooms to the outside. If the home happens to have a central air conditioning system, then these will need some attention and professional cleaning every so often. Professionals are a must, as they will possess the tools and experience to get the job done right in the long run. You will need to make sure you work well on bathroom vents and to ensure they never vent into the attic, as the moisture must always be led outside the building.

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Article provided by Anthea Williams: a young guest post writer from Great Britain writing in the area of real estate. For other cleaning and plumbing experts maintenance tips for your home you can contact: Cleaning Services Kensington.