HELP! Should I spend the money for an inspection?

Written by Meredith Kiep | Oct 22, 2014 4:00:00 AM

Many buyers wonder if a home inspection is actually worth the $350-$600 (depending on size of the house, location etc.). My answer is ALWAYS yes. Absolutely. Being one of the biggest (if not the biggest) purchase you’re going to make in your life, it’s worth having the home inspection no matter how new the construction or good of condition the property looks to be in.

An inspector is going to be concentrating on the structure and construction of a property. Something us non-experts are not going to be able to tell just by looking at it. He/she will let you know if any major or minor repairs need to be made or anything you may want to keep an eye on in the future.

Another reason this is important as this may change your initial offer. For example, If going into the open house you were;t aware the roof needed to be replaced (a costly expense) you may not have made the same offer knowing you would have such an expense repair right after closing day. There is still time to negotiate before the signing of the purchase and sale agreement (P&S). It’s better to be safe than sorry… literally and figuratively.

If anything you should have an inspection just for peace of mind. Buying a house can already be a stressful experience so taking off unneeded stress is a good thing.

Need help finding an inspector? Reach out to friends,family and your realtor to see who they recommend!

Connect with Meredith Kiep today for more answers to your real estate questions!