4 Ways to Include Friends in Your House Hunt

Written by Michael DiMella | Jan 11, 2015 5:00:00 AM

House hunting: It’s a lot like dating. Think about it. In the beginning it’s really exciting. You sit and talk to your friends about him (or it) for hours. You really think this could be the one.

But, it isn’t all rainbows and butterflies. There are the cons. Looks can be deceiving. It’s draining, and sometimes it feels like all the good ones are taken.

Keep thinking. You wouldn’t date someone exclusively (let alone decide to get married) without the input of your friends. So don’t think you can get away with house hunting solo. Even if they can’t physically be with you every step of the way, here are a few ideas to help you keep your friends in the loop:

Create a House Hunting Hashtag

Not only will a designated hashtag be an easy way to share your search on social media, but grouping each post together—including the frustrated rants and grizzly photos—with a hashtag will make it easier for you to document your experience. In addition to documenting, you’ll be able to do quick searches when making your decision. For example, when all of the houses start to mesh into one—and believe me, they will—you’ll be able to scroll and find exactly the answer you’re looking for. That one house with the open floor plan but awful entryway? House No. 4, according to your Twitter feed.

Build a Blog

Facebook posts and Instagram photos are great in the moment, but they aren’t the best place for details. Especially if you have friends and family who are curious about your hunt—maybe they’re out of state or in the market themselves—your blog could be a place for them to keep tabs on your life and maybe learn something about real estate while they’re at it.

And as a bonus, becoming a homeowner means you can fulfill a lifelong dream—aka finally having a place to practice all of your Pinterest projects! That’s right. After you’ve found the one, your blog could continue on as a place to publish your DIY home improvement projects, complete with before and after photos.

Bring Them Along . . . Digitally

Yes, it’s fun to bring a friend along when you’re touring a home or attending an open house, but it’s also essential to have someone there to help you see things clearly. Otherwise, you may miss something important like the fact that the kitchen has no place for a microwave (true story) or the only way to the backyard is through the second bedroom.

Next time you schedule a house viewing, it doesn’t matter if he can’t be there in person or she has to work because you can bring them along digitally. With your smartphone’s front-facing camera, video chat your BFFs as you walk through the rooms. Try apps like Tango, Google Hangouts or Skype to show your friends the details of each room. Instruct them beforehand that you want their honest feedback—they can rave about the pros, but they have to also include their cons.

Host an Online Housewarming Party

Hunting is only half the battle. Once you’ve found a place and made it yours, include your online and out-of-state friends in the celebrations by hosting an online housewarming party. You can host it on a night of its own, or combine it with the one you throw in order to get to know your new neighbors. Again with your smartphone, tablet or even GoPro, give your friends a tour of each room and show them the progress you’ve made in making it yours. Consider ending with a slideshow of your favorite memories throughout the process, including a big thank you for their support along the way.