Oh Sh*t. There goes the real estate market.

Written by Michael DiMella | Nov 12, 2010 5:00:00 AM

But it's not Spaceballs who are ruining our market. 

It's the absolute and utter nonsense commentary delivered by people outside the market (reporters and others who don't fully understand the market). 

I respect news reporters for doing a very difficult job, however, especially in the case of business and real estate reporting, they mostly have no expertise.  A reporters expertise is in writing, or possibly investigating issues.  But it's hard to write accurately about something if you don't understand it well, or aren't involved in it day to day. 

The other problem is the 24 hour news cycle.  They need something NEW every there's a tendency to sensationalize any bit of change or new data the minute it comes out.



It's like my own belief in God (or lack there of).  I'm not saying God does not exist, and I am open to it as a possibility, but I am not going to BELIEVE in God without any evidence whatsoever.  That's not the way I am wired. 

Same thing in real estate.