Boston apartment outlook

Written by Michael DiMella | Apr 29, 2009 4:00:00 AM

Past apartment posts here:


(note add link back here from those two posts)

I've given you a lot of data and market stats on the Boston real estate sales market recently, but what about the Boston apartment market?  Have Boston rentals been affected through the economic downturn?  What's going on for those of you who are planning on renting a new apartment in Boston?  If you're a property owner, can you still hope to get the same rents you got last year? 

If you want those answers, you're in luck.  Marcus and Millichap just released their 2009 2nd quarter Boston apartment outlook report.  Below I have some of the highlights, but feel free to view the full report here.  I also recently surveyed over 500 property owners in the Boston area to produce my own market report, finishing touches should be in the next couple weeks I hope (to make sure you don't miss that, subscribe to this blog by RSS feed or subscribe by email for the latest updates).

Greater Boston Apartment Outlook




Downtown Boston Apartment Outlook (plus other submarkets)