3 “Don’t”s To Avoid When Buying A Home

3 “Don’t”s To Avoid When Buying A Home

3 -Don't-s1. Don’t … spend more than you can afford

Connect with a mortgage professional to determine what you should be spending per month on your housing. This will help you find a home that meets all your criteria at a price you can afford. A good “rule of thumb” is the 1/3 rule in the Boston area, meaning you should not spend more than 1/3 of your take home pay on housing, leaving you money for other expenses and savings. This interactive calculator can help you out!

2. Don’t … skip the inspection

A lot of people don’t want to fork out a few hundred bucks for an inspection, especially in a condo purchase. This is a huge mistake as it is important to understand exactly the condition of the home you are buying before you sign the final paperwork. No property is perfect but this can save you a lot of unforeseen costs down the road. If you haven’t decided on a house then checking out these real estate options.

3. Don’t … forget about all home ownership costs

Before you sign the paperwork, you should calculate all upfront costs to home ownership. This included taxes, condo fees, maintenance, and more. It is important to look at your monthly expenses including all these calculations to fully understand what your new home will cost you each month. If you want a few options to consider buying, then check out these real estate listings.

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