Meet Our Agents

Susan Doig - 2024 Website

Susan Doig

Brokerage Sales Manager

Damaris Amachree website headshot

Damaris Amachree

Real Estate Agent

Brandon Arel website headshot

Brandon Arel

Real Estate Agent

Olesea Bejan website headshot

Olesea Bejan

Real Estate Agent

Yana BenMoshe website headshot

Yana Ben Moshe

Real Estate Agent

Beatrice Bray website headshot

Beatrice Bray

Real Estate Agent

Fritha Burns website headshot

Fritha Burns

Real Estate Agent

Kaitlyn Carter website headshot

Kaitlyn Carter

Real Estate Agent

Karla Castellanos website headshot

Karla Castellanos

Real Estate Agent

Billy Cole website headshot

Billy Cole

Real Estate Agent

Bill Cordts website headshot

Bill Cordts

Real Estate Agent

Cathie Curran - 2023 Website

Cathie Curran

Real Estate Agent

Deanna Czabaj website headshot

Deanna Czabaj

Real Estate Agent

Keith Dixon website headshot

Keith Dixon

Real Estate Agent


Eric Dumas

Real Estate Agent

Patrick Filipi website headshot

Patrick Filipi

Real Estate Agent


Beth George

Real Estate Agent

Matt Giangregorio website headshot

Matthew Giangregorio

Real Estate Agent

Christina Green website headshot

Christina Green

Real Estate Agent

Kayla Holmes - 2023 Website

Kayla Holmes

Real Estate Agent

Scott Hyman website headshot

Scott Hyman

Real Estate Agent

Jessica Jaklitsch - 2024 Website

Jessica Jaklitsch

Real Estate Agent

Stephanie Locke website headshot

Stephanie Locke

Real Estate Agent

Coleen McAdam website headshot

Coleen McAdam

Real Estate Agent

Kim Miles website headshot

Kim Miles

Real Estate Agent

Michael Palazzolo website headshot

Michael Palazzolo

Real Estate Agent

Kelly Robbins website headshot

Kelly Robbins

Real Estate Agent

Kaileen Sanner website headshot

Kaileen Sanner

Real Estate Agent

Alessandro Santana website headshot

Alessandro Santana

Real Estate Agent

Adam Shore website headshot

Adam Shore

Real Estate Agent


Cassie Sierra

Real Estate Agent

Jeff Sirkis website headshot

Jeff Sirkis

Real Estate Agent

Olivia Tjie - 2023 Website

Olivia Tjie

Real Estate Agent

JoAnne VanBuskirk website headshot

JoAnne VanBuskirk

Real Estate Agent

Jack Vassiliadis - 2024 Website

Jack Vassiliadis

Real Estate Agent

Business Operations

Alana G

Alana Garrity

Business Operations Manager

Kate C

Kate Cleary

Executive Assistant

Lauren S

Lauren Shore

Operations Manager

Michelle V

Michelle Vu

Office Administrator



P.T. Vineburgh

Founding Partner

Christine M

Christine Mulvey

Director of Marketing & Communications

Howard M

Howard R. Miller, CPA

Director of Finance & Controller

Jared C

Jared Clement

Director of Leasing

Kelly R

Kelly Robbins

Director of Project Management


Michael DiMella

Managing Partner

Susan D

Susan Doig

Brokerage Sales Manager

Todd M

Todd Mikelonis

Senior Director of Property Management


Americo A

Americo A

Managing Partner

Benny A

Benny Aguirre


Brenda A S

Brenda Argueta Sandoval


Carlos F

Carlos Fernandes

Maintenance Technician

Christian O

Christian Osorio

Maintenance Technician

Donald G

Donald Gonzalez

Maintenance Technician

Emmanuel A

Emmanuel A

Managing Partner

Eric G

Eric Gustafson

Maintenance Technician

Flor H

Flor Hernandez Vasquez


Fritz F

Frtiz Fanfan

Maintenance Supervisor

George A

George A

Managing Partner



Managing Partner

Gilson B

Gilson B

Managing Partner

Glenda G

Glenda Galvez


Joseph S

Joseph Sanchez

Maintenance Technician

Luis B

Luis B

Managing Partner

Manuel A

Manuel A

Managing Partner

Michael M

Michael M

Managing Partner

Moises S

Moises Siguenza

Maintenance Technician

Nely V

Nely Vasquez


Nick M

Nick M

Managing Partner

Pablo V

Pablo Velasquez

Maintenance Technician

Patrick A

Patrick Anderson

Maintenance Supervisor



Managing Partner


Santiago Tula

Maintenance Technician

Sean H

Sean Howe

Maintenance Supervisor

Shell D

Shell D

Managing Partner

Stephen B

Stephen Bene

Maintenance Technician

Trent C

Trent Cox

Maintenance Technician

Wafi C

Wafi Chouiakh

Maintenance Technician


Cassandra S

Cassandra Svolis

New Development Site Sales & Marketing Operations Manager

Emily R

Emily Ryder

Marketing Manager

Project Renovations

Scott S

Scott Simonsen

Project Manager

Property Management

Anthony M

Anthony McClure

Property Manager

Ashley P

Ashley Pezzone

Senior Property Accountant

Cameron L

Cameron Lewis

Property Manager

Chi T

Chi Tran

Junior Property Accountant

Christine P

Christine Paquette

Property Coordinator

Dimitar  A

Dimitar Altiparmakov

Property Manager

Hilary H

Hilary Healy


Jhanvi N

Jhanvi Nimbark

Property Manager

Katelynn S

Katelynn Sanon

Property Manager

Kelly G

Kelly Greene

Head of Portfolio

Maryan A

Maryan Abo

Property Manager

Michael R

Michael Rosenberg

Head of Portfolio

Ross O

Ross Orlando

Client Experience Manager

Sean M

Sean McEvoy

Head of Portfolio

Sean S

Sean Scanlan

Property Accountant

Tyler B

Tyler Bates

Head of Portfolio

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