We are joined by Ralph Parent, Managing Partner at Parent + Diamond for a discussion on minority inclusion in real estate development. Ralph works with established white construction and development companies to bridge gaps and build a better Boston.

Throughout this episode, Ralph emphasizes his focus on creating wealth and investing in the community, rather than simply developing more buildings or units in Boston. He believes that investing in minority-owned businesses is crucial for the city's economic growth and prosperity.

Towards the end of our discussion, we touch upon the topic of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), which has been a major focal point for Ralph and his company, Parent + Diamond. We dive into why DEI is so important, and how it can lead to a brighter future for everyone.

Listeners will gain invaluable insight into the importance of investing in minority-owned businesses and the role they play in building stronger communities. 

Hosted by Michael DiMella & P.T. Vineburgh.

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